JM310 is worth fighting for unbalances my life

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JM310 is worth fighting for unbalances my life

“You are expected to study full time.” This sentence distinctively popped out among the long lines of other class rules written on Mr. Bruce‘s website, Myhaikuclass.

And again in the class, he emphasized that we are full-time student not part-time.

I thought what was wrong with him. What did he want from me?

I glanced to my friend sitting next to me. We looked into each other eyes, no word needed, and we knew right away that our lives was going to be ruined and catastrophe would soon occur. It was not a good sign.

Since I was young, I admitted I was ranked on the top list of the class as I did a good job in every subject even the one I hate most like Maths. However, I never ever consider myself having the amazing properties almost every teacher expect their students to have; for example, revising the lessons every night before bed, pulling an all-nighter for the exam, or reading every single page of a textbook. I procrastinate sometimes “with plans”. On the contrary, I liked doing activities to release my stress from school. I joined everything from debate, cheerleading, being an MC, taking tennis class, joining squash and Zumba club, and some more I couldn’t recall. Long story short, I am just the kind of person who has grown up withholding the principle that my life is not only about coming to class, studying and going home.

University life is not only about lectures, assignment completion and post-class revision. The balance of social and academic life is what can make me perform well in the class. Paul Krassner, an American journalist, pointed out that anthropologists said part of happiness is “to have as little separation as possible between your work and your play.”

I remembered, on the first class, Mr. Bruce asked everyone on his website about the fears we had about this course. And I mentioned about the worry of too much workload. Speak of the devil, there you go. We had presentations mostly in every class, many in-class group activities, homework from those activities and more than two online assignments per week. Literally, I thought maybe he forgot that the earth rotates around itself and there is 24 hours in a day not 124. Daniel Dafoe, an English writer, once said In trouble to be troubled, is to have your trouble doubled.” Well, so many projects from other subjects simultaneously flood into my life like a storm and it was when the trouble doubled or, perhaps, tripled. The owner of the yoga gym I was a member even texted me to see if I was still alive because I did not continue the schedule for months. I was so tired. My YouTube channel hobby stuck. My work-leisure motto had gone with the wind. No more time to immerse myself in full course beauty regimen; I just slapped whatever moisturizer on my face. I slept after midnight almost every night. After finishing all the homework at nearly 11pm, I spend some time on the Internet till late. Because of the work-life thingy I still need to finish at least an episode of a TV series I currently watched at that time to boost my power and clear my stressful brain.

I understand what full-time students are supposed to do but I never thought it would be this almost out of control for me.

When time has passed, I gradually adjusted myself to this class and ended up being able to manage things out. The way Mr. Bruce kept emphasizing, or so called nagging for some people, teaches me to have self-discipline which I think is a very important attribute anyone should have, not only in studying but also in everything you do.

“There is no such thing as work-life balance. Everything worth fighting for unbalances your life.” - Alain de Botton.

To be honest, this quote somehow makes sense. I try to view the world in a different aspect. I get to realize that reality life is more than just about work; we have family, loved one, hobby, pets, and time for yourself that we have to learn to manage them wisely. However, it is the rule of natural selection; anyone with flexibility and self-adjustment will survive. This course teaches me to be flexible and be able to handle uncertainty and inevitable pressure. If there is something we want to achieve in life. Any Dreams or goals are worth fighting for unbalances the life. Athletes take a lot of effort, time and unbalances to become number one. They don’t just train for three hours and get gone. We sacrifice that work-life balance if it is worth bringing us to success.

Thanks to Mr. Bruce, I have been through a lot in this class and I was proud of myself to be able to effectively overcome my laziness and tons of workload.

Presentation in every class teaches me to build my confidence and get familiar with public speaking. I personally like public speaking since I was in high school. Being an MC at the United Nations on the field trip was also a great opportunity this class gave me. Besides, random group let me get to work with people I had never worked with before and surprisingly we got along really well. Thus, this class gave me the chance to make new friends and get to know them better.

It maybe not a good start but at the end you will realize that you finally learn something from every little thing; it depends on how you look at it.
by Wachiraporn Srisakul 5807640411

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